Updates during the doctoral phase
Status of Doctoral studies
- Choose yes to submit updates
- Choose no for termination of your doctorate without examination.
- Please note: Depending on regulations in your faculty for the doctorate the upload of a documents (PDF) with the opinion of your supervisor on the termination will be mandatory. See Contacts for more information presented at the homepage of your faculty.
- You want to submit the dissertation, cancel and start the application to open the doctorate proceedings.
Personal Data
To change your name or correct your gender or birth details, please use the Campus Center contact form. Add proof to your request, e.g. enclose your marriage certificate.
If you are employed at University of Hamburg or the UKE, please report the name change in addition to the responsible human resources services.
You can then send name changes to docata.uhh@uni-hamburg.de.
Please note that all first names and the correct surname and date of birth are important for the certificate to be created.
Information on the doctorate
Would you like to apply for the doctoral examination procedure in another faculty?
Would you like to change the doctoral degree regulation?
Contact the responsible office of the currently selected faculty.
If the „pursued academic title“ is in German, you can select Doktor (male) or Doktorin (female). You can change your selection during your doctorate or in the application to open the doctorate proceedings. Please note that the selected academic title will appear on the doctoral certificate after successful completion of the doctorate.
Type of doctorate
Discuss with your supervisor whether there is an institutional cooperation involved. This information can be updated in Docata at any time after approval. Option list:
Doctorate without cooperation:
This applies when your research will be conducted at an institute or other establishment at Universität Hamburg, even if you have taken an (external) employment that is unrelated to your research project/your doctoral studies.
Doctorate in cooperation with another university in Germany:
This only includes cooperation involving formal, institutional arrangements. It does not apply when a supervisor or reviewer
(assessor) at another German university has played a role in your doctoral studies without a formal, institutional arrangement.
Doctorate in cooperation with a foreign/non-German university, binational doctorate
This must involve a contractual arrangement according to Joint doctorates with foreign institutions of the doctoral degree regulations that apply for your doctoral procedures. It does not apply when a supervisor or reviewer (assessor) at a university abroad has played a role in your doctoral studies without a formal, institutional arrangement.
Doctorate in cooperation with a university of applied sciences:
This only includes cooperation involving formal, institutional arrangements. It does not apply when a supervisor or reviewer
(assessor) at a university of applied sciences has played a role in your doctoral studies without a formal, institutional arrangement.
Doctorate in cooperation with a non-university research institute:
This applies when you work within a non-university research institution as part of your doctoral studies and must
involve a contractual cooperation agreement.
Doctorate in cooperation with industry (industry-sponsored doctorate) or other institution:
This applies when you work in the research department of a company or other organization as part of your doctoral studies or when your doctoral studies are undertaken in connection with a research contract from a company or other organization and you have a contract or other written agreement.
Interruptions of your doctorate
All other causes of interruption are needed for statistical issues only.
Please note: In case of maternity protection (pregnancy) or maternal leave the interruption has to be documented as this will extend your admission to the doctorate. After you finish this form, please use the upload section in Docata to provide a document proving your maternity protection or maternity leave. This does not apply for doctoral projects in the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Ecducational Science and doctoral projects in the subject Psychology.
Research stays abroad
Name of hosting institution: Enter the full name of the university/institution you attended during your stay abroad. If you did not attend a specific institution during your stay abroad, enter “No institution” here.
EU-program: Explanation /examples
- All European educational programs, currently Erasmus+ (2014–2020)
- Erasmus+ student mobility for studies (SMS)
- Erasmus+ student mobility for traineeships (SMP)
- EU–non-EU program (EU–China, EU–USA, EU–Canada, etc.)
Non-EU program: Explanation / examples
- Universität Hamburg scholarship
- Host university scholarship
- Scholarship from a publicly funded foundation (e.g., the German Academic Scholarship Foundation)
- DAAD scholarship (e.g., Promos, ISAP, Carlo Schmid Program, FIT worldwide, Go East summer school, IAESTE, etc.)
- Pädagogischer Austauschdienst (PAD) / COMENIUS school exchange scholarship
Non-publicly funded program: Explanations / examples
- Scholarship from a private host university
- Scholarship from a privately funded foundation (e.g., Bayer Foundations, Joachim Herz Foundation, Stiftung Mercator)
- Private domestic or international funding programs (e.g., BMW Group’s SpeedUp, NextGen Scholarship for Study in the US, Rotary Club scholarships)
No program (“Free Mover”): Explanation / examples
- Self-financed—“free-mover”
- Internship abroad with no funding program
Type of doctorate
This information is required for the university statistics. You can change or add information at any time after admission.
Will you participate in a structured doctoral program?
Examples: Doctoral study program in your faculty, Graduate School in a Collaborative Research Center (CRC), Graduate School in a non-university Research Institute.
If the start of the membership has not yet been determined, indicate the probable start date. You can update the date at any time after approval.
In case you enter an employment at University of Hamburg or University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) , your position is mentioned in your contract.
Termination of doctorate without degree
Please note: Depending on regulations in your faculty for the doctorate the upload of a documents (PDF) with the opinion of your supervisor on the termination will be mandatory. See Contacts for more information presented at the homepage of your faculty.